O texto a seguir foi escrito em uma atividade realizada na minha aula de inglês na WorldWide. Minha professora Irena nos entregou alguns dados que, ao invés de números, continha alguns desenhos. Aos rolar estes dados tínhamos uma série personagens, objetos e ações com os quais deveríamos elaborar um conto de fadas.
When he arrived home his mother was cooking dinner and he went straight to his room. There, he was lying down on his bed when he used scissors to open the letter that he had found.
O desafio na elaboração desse texto era ser criativo e utilizar corretamente os tempos verbais. Na proposta da atividade havia uma limitação de palavras por parágrafo, mas me empolguei e escrevi bem mais do que era para ser feito. Fazer o que seu gosto de escrever…
Foi o melhor homework que fiz até hoje e com certeza aprendi muito com esta atividade. Thanks Irena!!!!
The brave warrior
Once upon a time… there was a boy called Noa. One day he found a letter on the street after had been playing baseball with his friends.
When he arrived home his mother was cooking dinner and he went straight to his room. There, he was lying down on his bed when he used scissors to open the letter that he had found.
Suddenly, he left like that he was in the eye of the storm and then he realized he wasn’t in his room. He was in a creepy world where a talk crab appeared and said to him: “Welcome Noa! In this world you need to get over your fears if you want to go back home. You are going training with me and you will become a brave warrior”.
The boy trained hard for a long time and before he left his master crab gave him a big axe.
Noa found the first enemy few days after he had started his journey. He was looking for Medusa who had snakes instead of hair. Only one hit and he chopped off Medusa’s head with his axe.
After that, Noa met his last enemy: a big silver dragon. He fought against the dragon, but it was impossible to kill the dragon using his axe. Then he ran away and looked for a more weapon powerful.
Finally, he discovered a magic arrow that was able to kill the dragon. So, he shot the magic arrow at the dragon’s chest and killed it. At this moment Noa woke up and his mother came into room. She said: “What’s happening my son?” – Noa answered: “I’m upset because it was just a dream.”
Este artigo foi escrito por Júnior Gonçalves e apareceu primeiro em http://www.neuronio20.com