Intercâmbio Nova Zelândia – Diary #01

O depoimento de viagem a seguir tem como objetivo compartilhar a minha experiência de intercâmbio realizado em 2018 na Nova Zelândia. Na série de artigos chamada “Diary” contarei algumas coisas em inglês para praticar a minha escrita.
Dear friend 

I’ve writing this letter to tell you about my experience in New Zealand. 

I left Brazil on 25 May, so I’ve been in Auckland for two months. When I arrived here I realized that my English was awful, because I didn’t understand what people told me and I couldn’t speak. “Oh my God! Why did I have this crazy idea?” – I said to myself many times.  It´s true! I was really worried. But, at the same time, I was so glad to be here because I was achieving my dream. 

On the first day I had to buy something in the supermarket. Fortunately, I met good people and they helped me so much when I needed. Besides, I’ve had a good time with them. For example, we have visited Mount Eden where there is a crater from a volcano. It’s a beautiful high place where you can see an amazing view of the whole city. It was without doubt a great day in our lives. 

Intercâmbio Nova Zelândia - Diary #01

Intercâmbio Nova Zelândia - Diary #01
After two weeks here, I finally started to understand people and I was happier about this. However, I was very uncomfortable where I was living, because the apartment is shared among 18 students (!) and somethings were so stressful.

Next letter I tell you more about my life here, ok?

Este artigo foi escrito por Júnior Gonçalves e apareceu primeiro em

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