Notas de inglês – Interview with myself

Uma excelente forma que entrei para estudar inglês foi escrever pequenos textos sobre meu dia-a-dia e recentemente fiz auto entrevista na qual tive pesquisar alguns termos corriqueiros de inglês que até então nunca tinha utilizado.
Segue abaixo minha auto entrevista e para quem estudar estudando inglês, recomendo que faça o mesmo.

Interview with myselft

What’s your name?
My name is José Gonçalves Pinto Junior, but my friends call me Junior.
How old are you? When is your birthday?
I’m 26. My birthday is on June 17th
What are your parents’ names?
My dad calls José like me and my mom calls Izaulina
Do you have siblings? Do they live with you?
Yes, I have two brothers and one sister. The older siblings are married and they live in Mogi Mirim. The younger brother is single and he lives with my parents.
Are you married? What’s your his/her name?
Yes. Her name is Lizena.
Where was your wedding? And how long are you married?
Our wedding was at Nossa Senhora de Aparecida church on September 25th, 2012
Do you have children? How many?
No, we don’t have children.
Do you work? Where?
Yes. I work at Institute Bairral of Psychiatry

How far is Bairral from your home?
It’s very near. It takes me five minutes by motorcycle to arrive Bairral from my home.
What do you do in your job?
I work in I.T. (Information Technology) department. So, I do many things related to computers. For example: I fix the computers, I make websites when is necessary and, mainly, I help the employees that work with computers in the hospital offices.
Why do you like to work at Bairral?
I like to work at Bairral because I can work with different things each day. Always come up new problems to solve.
Did you work before? Where? What did you do?
Before working at Bairral I worked in a toys factory in Itapira: the Star S/A. I worked in production line there.
Do you study? Where?
Yes. Nowadays I attend pos-graduation classes in Web System Development at Anhanguera – Campinas/SP
When will you finish your course?
Next month
What do you like to do on weekends?
I like to read books, surf on the Internet and go out with my wife, we love to meet new places
What kind of books do you like?
I like science fiction, mystery and fantasy. But I also like books about career, technologies and finance education.
Do you know anythings about JSP?
No, I don’t know. But I know how to program in PHP with MySQL
Did you travel to abroad Brasil?
No, but I intend to travel to New York still this year.
When are you going to travel to New York? Is anybody going to with you?
My wife and I are going to travel to New York on September 11th and we’ll stay a week there. After, we’ll go to Los Angeles stay few days and then to Las Vegas to meet “The Grand Canyon” and get married again with “the Elvis” singing the song “Love me tender”
Why did you choose to visit U.S.A?
Because I always wanted to meet The Statue of Liberty and The Central Park in New York that we watched in movies. And also, of course, I wish to practice my English.
Este artigo foi escrito por Júnior Gonçalves e apareceu primeiro em

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